Summer Fun for Everyone

We have created a summer programme full of workshops, group mentoring and trips to make sure that the summer is fun for everyone.
Some highlights from the programme include,
- ·Driving ready course for 15 year olds + workshops that are designed to get young people ready for theory tests and road conscious.
- ·Heads up programme an open-access mentoring group focusing on Build resilience in Young Persons as part of development of emotional Well Being, Raise awareness of Mental Health. Including Coping Strategies, Making it a safe space for peer support, Managing Stress, Food Mood, Dealing with Anger, Reaching Out ,Supporting Friends, Looking After Yourself, NLP techniques
- ·Leadership course involving a variety of team-building and problem-solving activities where each participant will have an opportunity to lead on an activity and develop skills in leadership and communication in an interactive and fun way.
- ·Trips to Thorpe Park, Aqua Park, the beach, Zorb football, Paddleboarding and Canoeing, and Out and About in nature.
Please feel free to pass this on to any young people you work with and other agencies that may want to signpost it to young people.
Below is a copy of the full programme and consent forms, all you need to do is fill one in and return to the office adding any money required in a named envelope. We will have per printed forms in the porchway to the office for young people to pick up.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions.