Weekly Update – 14/10/2019

Dear all,
I hope you are all well. To offer an update on last week at TRAIN, highlights in addition to our detached, outreach and one to one mentoring included:
– Young Women’s and Young Men’s – ‘Be the Judge’ was the focus of this week’s sessions: an interactive website developed by the Ministry of Justice to educate on court sentencing, by allowing the young people to put themselves in the judging seat by evaluating various scenarios. Real-life cases the young people were introduced to were based around teen crime and drugs.
– Dinner and Debate – two positive sessions based around team building games and ‘Bite the Ballot’, enhancing understandings of the voting system. Two young people did really brilliantly individually taking a lead on large parts of each session.
– Participation Pathway – more planning was carried out by a number on the Pathway for Didcot Street Fair and ‘TRAIN Fest’: a fete/festival type event Harry plans to run next Summer! You may have also been given one of our timetables on Saturday by 1 of 4 young people who did a great job enthusiastically handing them out along the Broadway on Saturday.
– Young Women’s Football – a number of young people came along for their weekly kickabout, despite the drizzly weather.
We also had a brilliant meeting with our volunteer team to catch up and discuss more strategic matters – a really positive opportunity to ensure they feel fully involved at TRAIN, considering how key each of them are to our work. We also welcomed Eleonora to the team, who will be supporting Harry with his Participation Pathway meetings!
To enable us to deliver as many sessions as we can, we are always in need of more volunteers. So a reminder to take a look at our volunteering pages if you may be interested or know someone who might be: https://www.didcottrain.org.uk/how-you-can-help/volunteering-with-train. We would love to hear from you.
Thank you for your support and as always please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
We hope the miserable weather today does not stop you having enjoyable weeks!
Kind regards,
The TRAIN team