Weekly Update – 28/10/2019

Dear all,
As we edge towards the end of October already, here is a few snippets of what we got up to last week here at TRAIN:
- Young Men’s – a workshop in First Aid, as the young men work towards certification with the Red Cross
- Young Women’s Football – those who came along engaged really positively in a bit of training at Edmunds Park
- Detached and Outreach – good sessions throughout the week, including lots of young people coming along and enjoying some pizza at our bean bag set up one evening, reducing their engagement in anti-social behaviour and substance misuse.
- Social Action – young people came along for Didcot Town Council’s Litter Pick at Great Western Park on Saturday. All did a brilliant job, especially considering the early morning start and the drizzly, windy weather which made it quite a challenge working with the flapping bin bag and prizing up the damp litter!
With this week being half term week we have a number of fun activities for young people to get involved in, including a Halloween themed outreach night on the night itself and a trip to Thorpe park’s Fright Night. To see the week’s schedule head to: https://www.didcottrain.org.uk/about-train/news/october-half-term-is-nearly-here
We also have news that after receiving a fantastic response to our new Head Start programme from primary schools, we are now also going to be offering an open Head Start programme on Wednesdays 6-7pm: for any young people living or attending school in Didcot in year 6 and 7. Each programme will compromise of 6 sessions, focused on promoting wellbeing and exploring mental health. Parents will need to sign up young people beforehand by so please get in touch with us if interested and for further details take a look at https://www.didcottrain.org.uk/what-we-do/projects/head-start-programme
We hope you all have really great weeks. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, queries on 01235 519315 or through info@didcottrain.org.uk.
Kind regards,
The TRAIN Team