Weekly Update – 18/11/2019

Dear all,
We hope you all had great weekends. To sum up last week at TRAIN, a few bits we got up to included:
– Head Start – Week 2 of the programme delivered at Willowcroft and Stephen Freeman Primary Schools, which again were very well received. This week’s sessions were focused on enhancing the Year 6’s understandings of how to manage stress, in order to better take care of their mental health and wellbeing.
– Young Women’s – a busy session focused around our ‘Reach Out’ activity, whereby the young women were encouraged to consider the different services and individuals they can reach out to for support, writing them out onto paper hands as a regular reminder. This was also complemented by fun playing board games and a bit of Just Dance!
– Detached and Outreach – sessions around the town proved effective, as always, for keeping us informed of local matters and interacting with new young people over hot chocolate. It was fantastic to see many who we had met then coming along to Dinner and Debate.
– Young Women’s Football – our first session at UTC’s outdoor pitch, considering the increasing challenge in running sessions at Edmunds with the darkening evenings. The new environment made for a really focused session, until the heavy downpour!
– Dinner and Debate – a couple of great sessions, one involving watching ‘Deep It’ – an Award Winning short Youtube film about knife crime – and the other focused on stereotypes, for which young people offered some really insight ideas around.
We also had fun celebrating Children in Need throughout the week – this included Alice and Justina being interviewed on the Kat Orman Show on BBC Radio Oxford Thursday morning, to discuss TRAIN’s life skill programme CIN funding has been supporting. It has been wonderful to see the progress in young people who have engaged in the life skill sessions across the year, so their discussion was a brilliant reminder of the funding’s incredible value. It is still available to be listened to back, so scroll across to 10 minutes in through the following link to have a listen! https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p07rtdyg
Also a little request – as we are hoping to run a couple of fundraising stalls at the Street Fair next week, we would be really grateful to receive any donations of tombola prizes or cakes! So if you have any spare tins lurking at the back of your cupboards or other prizes or baked goods, feel free to pop into the office or to get in touch!
As always, if you have any alternative questions for us or wish to sign up to receivee email reminders for the Weekly Update and/or our monthly newsletter, please also let us know. Thank you for reading and I hope this week is a good one for you all.
Kind regards,
the TRAIN Team