Weekly Update – 02/12/2019

Dear all,
Firstly Happy December!
Last week proved an eventful last week of the month at TRAIN despite the unfortunate, but necessary, precautions we put in place to pause running sessions at the TRAIN office. This followed from concerns raised to us of the safety of our windows. As a result we have been focusing our efforts into our detached youth work provision. Detached has been a hugely important means for us to continue reaching out to young people in the community, encouraging positive decision making and also keeping us informed of anti-social behaviour related matters: particularly important considering a number having recently been raised to us.
Additional highlights of the week included Wednesday’s ‘Head Start’ mentoring – another really successful week of sessions at Willowcroft and Stephen Freeman Primary Schools. The ‘Good Smoothie, Bad Smoothie’ session involved Justina blending up a horrifically horrible concoction of energy drinks, crisps and other junk food, before giving each a taste off a much more appetizing fruit smoothie. This was a brilliant way of demonstrating to the young people how delicious and nourishing healthy food can be in comparison to more unhealthy options. The smoothie bottles were emptied very quickly and unsurprisingly the junk food mix was left untouched following sniffs from the those who were brave enough!
We also had lots going on at this year’s Street Fair, including:
– A craft stall selling handmade Christmas gifts (thank you Josie and Nicole!)
– A tombola organised by Harry and those engaged on our Participation Pathway, who did a fantastic job supporting
– Detached work
It proved a brilliant evening for meeting and engaging with young people out and about, also meeting many of yourselves, whilst also fundraising for TRAIN. Thank you to all who supported us on the night helping us raise a brilliant £158! We hope all who went along had a fun evening.
Thursday was also however a sad evening following the further news we received from a recent survey carried out by our landlords SODC, which signified that that the health and safety concerns of our office extend further than the windows. As a result, we were informed the space is no longer safe for both staff and young people. After many years we have therefore now left 118, Broadway.
For the time being we will be working from home and running sessions at the Methodist Church across the road, kindly offered to us. We are truly saddened to have to close the door on what has been a second home for both young people, staff and volunteers, but will not let the circumstances dim the future of TRAIN! Thank you to all of you who have sent kindness and wishes our way in response to the news. It means so much to know the community is behind us.
We will keep you informed with updates as much as possible through our @DidcotTRAIN Facebook page and please see our youth work timetable for a breakdown of our current sessions. Please also get in touch with us via our info@didcottrain.org.uk email or on 07305042427 if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
the TRAIN Team