Weekly Update – 09/12/2020

Dear all,
We hope you have all had good weekends. It was positive that the majority of our sessions could take place from Didcot Methodist Church last week, following the closure of our office the week before. YP were very interested to explore the temporary space. They also expressed their sadness at the closure of the office through collectively writing a letter to voice their feelings around the situation. Their action to then promote the letters, including taking it round schools to gain signatures has been heart-warming. See the link at the bottom of the page to have a read.
The week saw us cracking on with our usual provision schedule including:
- Heads Up: young people enjoyed a session focused on friendships, including what constitutes a good and bad friend. This aimed to support the Year 6’s in better understanding what is deemed as an equal relationship, including what is acceptable and unacceptable within one.
- Dinner and Debate: sessions involved a mixture of intuitive discussions, around stereotypes for example, and various games such as Jenga, between the usual Gregg’s trips.
- Football: after now opening football sessions up to both gender groups, following a keen interest from young men to join in with the young women, those who attended had a great kickabout on Friday afternoon.
- Detached: many young people engaged with us this week during our walkabouts around the town, especially on Friday evening when they were all hugely excited when to be greeted with pizza! It was also very positive that a number also showed enthusiasm to engage in our new group mentoring sessions to begin in January, centred around anti-social behaviour.
- Willowcroft Wellbeing Evening – it was great to attend an evening held at Willowcroft Primary School for parents to gain more information about the various services open to young people for support around mental health and wellbeing. This tied in nicely to the sessions we have been delivering around the topics through Head Start at the school. Thank you very much for having us again!
See our timetable below for the coming 2 weeks up till Christmas, which will be continuing from the Methodist Church for the time being. If you have any questions for us feel free to give us a call on 07305042427 or email on info@didcottrain.org.uk.
We hope you all have great weeks, as Christmas races towards us!
Kind regards,
The TRAIN Team