Speaking Out!

VOXY (Voice of Oxfordshire’s Youth) and The Children’s Trust are looking for feedback from all children and young people in Oxfordshire (aged 8-18 and up to 25 with additional needs) about how supported they feel by the services they use e.g. schools/colleges, youth clubs, social workers, job clubs, health services, TRAIN!
First shared in January 2019, this follow up survey will be important for observing any change in how supported children and young people feel one year on, so there’s great worth in spreading the word to any young people you may know.
The online questionnaire closes on Sunday 9th February: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/BeSupported.
You can read more about the results from the 2019 questionnaire (and download the reports) here: https://oxme.info/cms/news/feedback-be-supported-questionnaire