Weekly Update – 15/04/2020

We hope you all had restful Easter weekends, or a past few days filled to the brim with chocolate if you have been working hard as a key worker.
The Youth Work team have been continuing to use a range of forms of engagement to keep young people uplifted over their very different to usual Easter breaks – from art tutorials to quizzes, video gaming and invitations to online sessions. One to one check-ins and mentoring have also been valuable for offering advice and encouraging young people in pursuing interests and hobbies around their school work. Across the week for example this included supportive discussions around sleep and relaxation in Young Women’s Group and some virtual 1:1 sports coaching!
A reminder that we are now accepting referrals for free virtual 1:1 mentoring sessions for young people aged 11-18 living in Didcot or attending a Didcot School, so we encourage you to head to our Mentoring page for more information if interested.
Please see our timetable for the current week below, which will see us continuing to offer regular opportunities for young people to gain support, interact in a positive space with peers and engage in some light hearted fun. Please spread the word! As always, if you have any questions or ideas for us, or wish to be added to our mailing list for reminders of our Weekly Updates and/or monthly newsletters, please do get in touch.
Thank you all and take care.
Kind regards,
The TRAIN Team