Weekly Update – 15/06/2020

We hope you have all been really enjoying the opportunity to meet with loved ones again and the other benefits the gradual easing of restrictions are opening up (within guidelines of course!)
Things may be returning to normal but it’s important that, as a community, we remind ourselves not overlook the effects of the crisis on young people’s mental health and the likelihood of these persisting for some time.
This has especially been highlighted in a recent report published by UK Youth in which they predict further impacts on young people to include:
- Increased loneliness and isolation
- Lack of safe space
- Challenging family relationships
- Higher risk for engaging in gangs, substance misuse, carrying weapons, or other harmful practices
Alongside the many questions and views being raised on a global scale at the moment, the complexibility of emotions many of us are experiencing are definitely calling for both lots of reflection and, to help ground us, cups of tea! Yet considering the importance in us not forgetting how things are affecting young people too, the Youth Work team have been ensuring to continue to offer a good mix of activities through their social media channels to make sure there’s something for everyone!
Summing up a few bits from last week:
- 1:1 check-ins – staff had lots of general 1:1 chats with young people in their Virtual Hangouts to check in on how they’re doing.
- 1:1 mentoring programme – it was brilliant to reflect on the developments in confidence and self-esteem of young people who had the last of their series of mentoring sessions. A special moment but certainly not goodbye, as we will continue to regularly check in with them going forwards.
- Interactive worksheets – young people were encouraged to share their views on all things TRAIN in this week’s worksheets posted for Dinner & Debate. It is so important that the provision we deliver aligns with the young people’s interests,to make sure it meets their needs and we are offering sessions they can really look forward to! We are looking forward to putting their ideas into practice over the coming weeks!
- Tutorials
- Instagram polls – more interesting topics were raised in the week’s Lunch & Debate polls, from ‘young people should be involved in government decisions’ to ‘schools should scrap SATS’ – hmmm controversial!!
It has also been great to link up with other local youth work providers to engage in webinars, training and general conversations to support and learn from another when it comes to supporting young people through the current circumstances.
If you would like to hear more about our digital delivery, please head to the following page. We encourage you in spreading the word to support us in making our support known to as many young people (11-18) in Didcot and Harwell as possible! Particularly in regards to the spaces Justina has available for her structured 1:1 mentoring, comprising 1 hour weekly sessions over a course of 6 weeks. These are very easy to refer on to and valuable in the support they offer to young people in managing and overcoming any emotional or behavioural difficulties. Please head to the following page for further information.
Considering our provision going forwards, TRAIN’s Trustee’s are continuing to assess the circumstances against Government and Youth Work Agency guidelines, mindful of minimising any risk to staff and young people’s safety. If anything comes to change in regards to certain prior aspects beginning to return however, we will spread the word through our News feed and @DidcotTRAIN social media pages.
If you have any questions for us, please always feel free to get in touch and let us know if you are interested in being added to our mailing list to receive notifications for our weekly updates and monthly newsletter!
Thank you for reading and to all who are continuing to work hard to support our community in the current times – your work is appreciated so much!
We hope you all have great weeks, take care all.
Best wishes,
The TRAIN Team