Weekly Update 28.07.20

Hello all,
Firstly a big congratulations to all young people and teachers who have now broken up for Summer – it’s been a whirlwind of a past few months so you all deserve the most fantastic, relaxing time off!
For a quick flavour of what we’ve been getting up to at TRAIN over the past few days, last week included:
- Lunch & Dinner and Debates – sessions this week included prompting conversations around risk-taking, with video content around the science of peer-influence, and interactive polls posted around the important topic of fake news, to boost young people’s awareness of the misleading news that can be out there.
- Worksheets – Justina designed a great worksheet for Young Women’s Group to enhance understanding’s of what stress is, how to recognise it and coping techniques.
- 1:1 mentoring sessions – it was brilliant to begin mentoring sessions with more new young people, as well as continuing with those already signed up to our 6 week programme, supporting them with any issues they are facing and in better managing emotions.
- Tutorials a many! From fitness challenge and pasta making videos created by Lisa, to a very, well relaxing, guided relaxation video posted by Justina, starring her very sleepy but sassy chihuahua Mimi.
- 1:1 check-in’s – check-in’s continued to be important for checking in on young people to see how they’re doing as their Summer holiday begin- with the potential to be an exciting time for many but for others, still a strange, unsettling one considering the effects the past months have had on many of us.
The Youth Work team will be continuing to post all they are getting up to this week through their Instagram and Facebook accounts. Through surveys and general conversations, we have been continuing to ask the young people their thoughts around what they would like activity-wise, to ensure we are offering provisions in line with their needs over the Summer months. As always to keep in they know, they just need to friend/follow Youth Worker’s accounts:
Facebook: @JustinaTRAIN, @LisaTRAIN, @CharlotteTRAIN and @HarryTRAIN.
Instagram: @charlottedidcottrain @lisadidcottrain @justina.train @harry.train.7568
They are also very welcome to give them each a call in their working hour (see the following page for numbers and further info).
Any general queries or enquiries for us please feel free to email info@didcottrain.org.uk, call on 07458306358 or complete our Enquiry Form. We would really love to hear from you. Lastly if you’re keen to sign up to receive email notifications for our weekly updates and monthly newsletter, please head to the bottom of our homepage for the sign up link!
Have great weeks all and considering it’s important we all take a bit of time to unwind over the Summer, please remember to (scroll down)….
Best wishes,
The TRAIN Team