Weekly Update 28.09.20

As we mentioned in last week’s update, the switch in the season brought along some change for us too as we welcomed Lucinda to the team – stepping in as Senior Youth Worker throughout Justina’s maternity leave! As she eases into the role, she’s been enjoying getting stuck into our provision the past days, familiarising herself with how we go about things. We feel very excited to have her on board as it’s clear she’s going to bring a great deal of value to TRAIN!
It has been brilliant to be able to recommence with Detached over the past weeks, but in order to continue offering young people regular support and mood boosting activities, Youth Workers have also remained active through their social media accounts.
To give a break down of the activities they have offered across the past days:
- Online worksheets – Charlotte posted a great worksheet following up on her finance one a couple of weeks back, this time including a quiz for young people to see how savvy they are when it comes to saving and spending carefully.
- Instagram polls – Lisa posted politics themed polls for her Dinner & Debate session. Lots of interesting views were shared in response to the questions around the current climate, which aimed to encourage participants to acknowledge the value in them making their voice heard and voting when they become of age.
- Detached – a great opportunity for Lucinda to get a feel for the area and begin meeting young people known to us, as she joined Lisa, Charlotte and Darren for the week’s outings. The TRAIN jackets seemed to prove handy for helping young people identify us from a distance, with shouts of ‘is that Lisa and Darren?!’ guiding the team to their whereabouts in the darkening evenings!
- 1:1 mentoring – Justina came to the end of her programmes with a couple of the young people she has been mentoring most recently, following the progress each have made over the past weeks. As our online delivery gives them an open door to continue accessing our support at their leisure, all are always assured of the continued support they can gain from us and other relevant services.
Justina also attended a regular multi-agency meeting which, as always, proved an important opportunity to link up with other services to discuss support systems in place for young people and to ensure all are aware of any current issues and concerns in the town, particularly in light of covid restrictions and certain challenges in anti-social behaviour being brought about.
For an overview of our current provision and how young people can get involved, please take a look at the following page. If you’re interested in joining folks who receive email notifications for our weekly updates, head to the bottom of our homepage where you’ll spot the sign up link! If you haven’t already, we would also love for you to give our @DidcotTRAIN Facebook and Twitter pages a follow, where you will receive further updates on our work!
Otherwise we hope the rest of your weeks go well, as we swing into October and please do reach out if you come to have any questions, queries or feedback for us over the coming days. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Best wishes,
The TRAIN Team