Didcot Mini Festive Market

We’re excited for Didcot Mini Festive Market this Sunday 6th! We’d love for you to stop by and say hi to us at our stall, where we’ll have…
- Handmade Christmas gifts*
- A Scavenger Hunt – young people who photograph everything listed and come show their photos to us at the stall will be given a £10 Love2Shop voucher – kindly donated to us from TK Maxx, Didcot! (see above)
- Guess how many sweets in the jar*
- An opportunity for you to find out more about our sessions for young people, volunteering opportunities or how to keep in the know about our work
We hope everyone enjoys wandering round all the brilliant charities and businesses that will be there on the day!
* All proceeds will go towards our work to offer positive activities and support for the town’s young people