Support for young people this Christmas

Sending our very best wishes to everyone this Christmas. We hope you are all able to take a good chunk of incredibly well-deserved rest over the period and end the year on a high.
Our sessions will be pausing over the next couple of weeks till January, but by adding staff on Facebook and Instagram, young people will be able to see posts they’ll be releasing with details of crisis lines and services for the Christmas period, alongside the occasional activity and Virtual Hangout during which young people will be able to get in touch for chats.
Please see staff’s TRAIN Facebook and Instagram names on the poster above..
As we appreciate Christmas poses a hard time for many young people and particularly likely this year, here are a few brilliant support services open to young people, for your awareness.
Anxiety UK
03444 775 774 (helpline) 07537416905 (text)
Beat – eating disorder support
08088010677 (helpline)
Childline – support for children and young people in the UK, including a free 24-hour helpline
0800 1111
Hope Again – support for young people when someone dies
0808 808 1677
Kooth – free, safe and anonymous online counselling for young people. Open on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day with a team of counsellors available to talk to
Counsellors available until 10pm every day.
Me and My Mind – advice and support for young people struggling with unusual experiences, such as hearing voices
OCD Youth – Youth Support for young people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Oxfordshire Mind – supporting those with mental health problems. Closed bank holidays
01865 247788
Papyrus – confidential support for under-35s at risk of suicide and others who are concerned about them. Open 9am – midnight every day of the year.
HOPELINEUK 07786 209697 (text) 0800 068 41 41
Rethink Mental Illness – offers practical help on issues such as the Mental Health Act, community care, welfare benefits and carers rights as well as general help on living with mental illness, medication and care
0300 5000 927
Safeline – helping survivors of sexual abuse and rape. Contactable by telephone, text, e-mail, or Live Chat although closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
Young People’s Helpline (0808 800 5007)
116 123 (free 24 hour listening service) e-mail:
S-card – can also be used at Lloyds Pharmacy opposite the Civic Hall carpark.
Shout – free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope
85258 (text SHOUT)
The Mix – Support and advice for under 25s, including a helpline, crisis messenger service and webchat.
085258 (crisis messenger service, text THEMIX) 8088084994
Voice Collective – support for people under 25 who hear voices, have visions or other unusual sensory experiences or beliefs.
YoungMinds – free, 24/7 text support for young people across the UK experiencing a mental health crisis
85258 (crisis messenger service, text YM)
Young Stonewall – information and support for all young lesbian, gay, bi and trans people.
0800 050 2020
Youth Access – advice and counselling network for young people, including details of free local services.
The Mental Wealth Academy – promoting skill development to prevent mental health related illnesses.
Further information on numbers to call and services to access for emergency help can also be found at as well as details of their Wellbeing Hub sessions running over Christmas.
Thank you for your support to us over the year, particularly considering the hardships it has brought. Take care and a very Happy Christmas!