Weekly Update – 31/03/2020
We hope you are keeping well considering things at the moment. With the increasingly stringent government guidelines, TRAIN’s Trustees came to the decision last week to pause all face to

Weekly Update – 31/03/2020
We hope you are keeping well considering things at the moment. With the increasingly stringent government guidelines, TRAIN’s Trustees came to the decision last week to pause all face to

Weekly Update – 04/02/2020
It was really great to see signs of young people engaging in our sessions growing in their confidence and self-esteem over the past week, as well as new young people

Speaking Out!
VOXY (Voice of Oxfordshire’s Youth) and The Children’s Trust are looking for feedback from all children and young people in Oxfordshire (aged 8-18 and up to 25 with additional needs)

Weekly Update – 27/01/2020
Here’s to brighten your gloomy Mondays, considering the miserable weather, with our update on last week at TRAIN. Sessions held over the past few days have included: Head Start –

Weekly Update – 21/01/2020
Last week here at TRAIN was certainly packed to the brim! Highlights included: One to one mentoring – Justina met with new young people at UTC she will be carrying

Weekly Update – 13/01/2020
Dear all, Happy New Year and we hope you all had brilliant Christmas’s. We kicked off 2020 with a busy but very positive week jumping back in to our provision,