Welcome to Our New Home
In July of this year Didcot TRAIN moved into its new permanent home in the heart of the town. Located at 1A Market Place, Didcot. We are pleased to have now moved all evening provisions to this new space. For this space to be the best for our young people we included them in how it would look and what they want to see there. This included what to call our new home (as the ‘new office’ was boring!) After numerous social media suggestions and polls, we have a new name! The young people decided on…………

‘The Base’ consists of an open delivery space for structured sessions, with a pool table, table tennis, gaming, air hockey and comfy sitting area for all young people to come in and use during youth club. The Base is also equipped with a comfy and quiet 1:1 room. This quiet space can be used for our 1:1 mentoring. Mentoring is for those young people needing extra support with one of our trusted youth workers. This space will develop over the coming months to ensure it looks and operate to the needs of our young people. Come find us at 1a Market Place, Didcot, OX11 7LE