What’s TRAIN up to this week?
Don't forget to follow us on social media, plus our amazing youth workers!
Calling out to all young carers!
Young Carers It has been passed on to us that next Tuesday 16th, Indian Dream in Didcot are going to be giving out free food to Young Carers for Young
This week’s timetable!
Check out what Didcot TRAIN have going on this week, and also don't forget to add our amazing youth workers on social media.
EXTRA! EXTRA! Read all about it- Didcot TRAIN Newsletter
Didcot TRAIN has been busy! Have a look at what we have been doing the last few months and what's to come.

This week @ TRAIN
Please see what we have going on this week at TRAIN! Plus don’t forget to follow our youth workers on social media!

Would you want to become a Trustee at TRAIN?
Didcot TRAIN are currently searching for a new Business Development Trustee. If you feel you have the skills and the time to support this amazing youth organization, please take a

What’s TRAIN up to this week?
Don't forget to follow our youth workers! Plus were now on TikTok!!!!
This February 2021 Half Term!
Have a look what’s going this half term! Our team are working hard to keep supporting young people in Didcot this half term. Check out the timetable, and don’t forget

What’s going on this week at TRAIN?👀
Don’t forget to follow our youth workers on social media for more information!
What’s on this week@ TRAIN!
Have a look at what we have going on this week at TRAIN! and don't forget to follow our team on social media!!!